
Beware the US9514961195221 Text Scam: Don’t Fall for a Fake Delivery!

Have you received a text message with the tracking number US951496119521 claiming a delivery issue with the USPS? If so, you’re likely the target of a common scam. This blog post will explain everything you need to know about this scam and how to protect yourself.

1. What is the US9514961195221 Scam?

This scam uses text messages to trick people into clicking on a fraudulent link. The message typically claims there’s a problem with a USPS delivery due to an incorrect address. It then provides the tracking number US9514961195221 (which is fake) and a link to “fix” the issue by updating your address information.

2. How Does the Scam Work?

If you click the link, you’ll be directed to a fake website designed to look like the official USPS website. This website will ask you to enter personal information like your name, address, and even credit card details. Once you submit this information, scammers can steal it and use it for fraudulent purposes.

3. Signs You’re Dealing with a Scam

Here are some red flags to watch out for:

Generic Greeting: The text message doesn’t address you by name.

Urgency and Pressure: The message creates a sense of urgency by claiming your package is on hold.

Grammatical Errors: The message may contain typos or grammatical errors.

Suspicious Link: Don’t click on any links in the message.

4. How to Protect Yourself

Never Click on Links in Suspicious Texts: Instead, log in to your USPS account directly through the official USPS website ( to check on any deliveries.

Verify Information Independently: If you’re unsure about a delivery, contact USPS directly by phone at 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777).

Report the Scam: Report the scam text to the Federal Trade Commission at

5. What to Do If You Clicked the Link

If you accidentally clicked the link and entered any personal information, take action immediately:

  • Change your passwords: Update your passwords for your email, bank accounts, and any other online accounts that might be at risk.
  • Monitor your accounts: Closely monitor your bank statements and credit card reports for any suspicious activity.
  • Report Identity Theft: If you suspect identity theft, contact the Federal Trade Commission ( and your local law enforcement agency.

6. Stay Informed

Scammers are constantly creating new tactics. Staying informed about the latest scams can help you stay safe. Reliable sources include the Federal Trade Commission ( and the Better Business Bureau (


The “US9514961195221” text scam is a common attempt to steal personal information. By being aware of the scam’s tactics and following the steps outlined above, you can protect yourself from falling victim. Remember, staying informed and cautious when dealing with unsolicited messages is key to online safety.


  • Q: Will I get in trouble if I don’t update my address through the link?

A: No, you won’t. This is a scare tactic used by scammers. The USPS will never contact you via text message to update your address information.

  • Q: What if I receive a similar text with a different tracking number?

A: This scam often uses different fake tracking numbers. Be wary of any text message creating a sense of urgency around a delivery and avoid clicking on links.

  • Q: Is it safe to enter my tracking number on the USPS website?

A: Yes, entering your tracking number on the official USPS website ( is perfectly safe. This is the recommended way to track your packages.

  • Q: What if I don’t have a USPS account?

A: You don’t need an account to track your package on the USPS website. You can simply enter your tracking number on the homepage.

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